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5 Best Lilies for the Summer Garden

Do you want to spice up your flower garden this summer? Why not plant a few types of lily flowers. Whether you have a contemporary or cottage-style garden, these brightly colored flowers will exceptionally offer the elegance, fragrance, and color that any professional or hobbyist is after.

So, read on and find our top five lilies that will stun your friends.

Ready? Let’s go!

•    Trumpet lily

These trumpet-shaped lilies are a staple I most flower gardens. Preferred by most hobbyists, they have a pleasant fragrance, brightly colored and tend to be extremely hardy. They are commonly referred to as Aurelian lilies.

They feel your garden with a strong scent and easily attracts chipping birds and buzzing bees, giving that wild-deep forest feel. They have broad leaves which can either be yellow, pink, orange, white, or cream. They typically bloom after the Asiatic lily.

•    Asiatic lilies

This lily flower is bred from several types of lilies. Unfortunately, the flower does not have a fragrance, but this is made up with its beautifully spotted petals. They vary from red, pink, yellow, orange shades, and many others apart from blue color.

Asiatic lilies are a staple for deer and rabbits, so, you should provide a fence around your precious garden. Their straight and long stems enable them to get ample sunlight, and they require no staking. Well, if you like cut-flowers, then the Asiatic lily is your perfect match.

•    Oriental lilies

This is the most common type of lily flower. It is incredibly fragrant, especially in the evening hours. They have broader leaves compared to other varieties of lily flowers. Like the Asiatic lilies, they are a staple for rabbits and deer.

Stripes or spots accent their petals. Coming with curled-back petals, they can be used as cut-flowers. However, you ought to remove the anthers to keep off pollen from staining your furniture. Their stems can have many buds giving them a colorful feel.

•    Longiflorium lilies

Also referred to as the Easter lily, it is mostly used as a holiday flower. In March, you are likely to find many in flower markets in preparation for the Easter holiday. However, the Longiflorium lily can grace your precious garden long after the holiday.

The flower is trumpet-shaped and has beautifully curved-back white petals with traces of yellow on the inside. They naturally bloom in late summer and thrive in sunny spots with well-drained soils.

Those are some of the top five lilies you can grace your flower garden with. They are easy to plant and manage. That said, you ought to observe crucial planting practices that we will share in the section below. Let’s find out.

How do you plant lily flowers?

•    Ensure the root is facing downwards while the stem is facing upwards.

•    Plant in well-drained soils and avoid water-logged areas.

•    Always ensure the spot receives ample sunlight; at least 6-8 hours.

•    For optimal growth, mulching is recommended

Final cut!

Well, a flower garden wouldn’t be colorful without lilies. Choose the color that best suits you. However, if you are after that strong fragrance, we’d recommend planting the trumpet lily.


By Jimmy
August 16,2019