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Why Fruits Expensive  in Japan

When you travel to Japan, you may find that fruit price in Japan’s stores are quite different from your own country, precisely, they are higher priced than in your home country. The reason caused for this has comes to several  factors: first, it follows the laws of supply and demand, with a total population of 120 million in Japan, the demand for fruits is obvious no small, on the contrary, the size of the nation’s land is not as that big, hence there is not much areas for fruit planting which caused a limited supply, in brief, the unbalance between the demand and supply pushs the fruit price high in Japan; second, labour cost. We all know, that workforce in Japan is quite expensive, and fruit planting need a lot of labour involved, especially in Japan that is famous for it’s great-attention-to-details culture, every fruit in the field in the process of growing are given great attention and extra care to make sure it becomes perfect in both taste and presentation when grown up, by doing this requires enormous energy and time from the farmer, which directly result in the higher price tag on the fruit after they put on the store’s shelf. And lastly, it is about average living cost. Not only is fruit expensive in Japan, you must find many products sold in Japan are higher priced than in the place where you come from that is simply because the average living expense is higher than other regions, fruit is no exception.

By Jimmy
May 21, 2016